Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Interviews and Biscuit Bitches

It's true what some people say about practicing things in your head before you do them, or rather "envisioning" them. I tossed and turned quite a bit over a phone interview I had today with Nordstrom, but what finally got me to sleep was the lulling mental enactment of the interview in my head. On the cranial stage I introduced myself, presented my qualifications, answered the questions... Then I was asleep dreaming my usual weird dreams. It was amazing! And when my alarm went off in the morning I had been dreaming about getting up and taking my shower. It was one of those moments when you get confused because you think you already did something and then you find out you didn't... I realized this, of course, because I was in bed- NOT dressed and prepared for the day as I had been in my dream- and my hair looked like an animal on my head. Is that kind of like lucid dreaming? Cruel lucid dreaming.. it felt a little like it took my twice as long to get ready!

The phone interview went well. I was really nervous about reception on my cellphone and so before the interview I was driving around trying to find a place to park with a solid 5-6 bar signal.. am I reaching for the stars here?! I quivered and jumped when my phone rang/vibrated a few minutes early, but by that point I was in a sparsely occupied level of a parking garage and the reception was perfect for the conversation- also it was a very non-distracting location. It's weird though- during the phone interview I talked a lot with my hands- I do this in person and for those of you who know me well you can support that statement. I found myself gesturing and emphasizing with what was an invisible hand to my interviewer. Even so, I read some phone interviewing tips that said to talk like you usually would in person and to smile while you talk. Well, "smile" in a way that is still conducive to talking.

My NEXT interview with the company is tomorrow. Woot. And this one is the "in person" interview, so tomorrow I will make sure to "put my best foot forward" which will automatically mean wearing heals. Funny thing though.. when I was driving around in the car trying desperately to find a place where I could have the interview I was WEARING my heels... perhaps it was a mentality thing. Though, it made logical sense because I was going around "soliciting" myself and my résumé to nearby companies and I did have to look nice for that. Even so... if you want to feel good during a phone interview- DO dress up. Just... do it. It makes you feel great. Yes, you COULD be at home in your Jammy-Jams on the couch petting the cat nervously while you conduct your phone interview... but you won't feel as professional. Trust me, I considered doing the whole couch thing... without the cat- I have no cat because I am very allergic to them.

In celebration I went to Downtown Seattle and had a drink with a dear friend! (OK... I submitted my résumé to ONE more company for the day.. but it was RIGHT THERE in downtown- it seemed convenient!) I have never REALLY liked absinthe, but this drink, called a "Voyager"... or something, was more like an absinthe margarita. I vote YES. It had that tinge of anise with the familiar refreshing POP of citrus. Thank you, "Voyager" for safe passage into deliciousness.

My new favorite coffee shop in downtown Seattle as of Saturday is Café Lieto- Also called "The Biscuit Bitch" for it's late night biscuits and gravy on Friday and Saturday nights. So chill. They also have velvet couches and free internet (for the first 15 minutes with purchase). I recommend. And with the purchase of a t-shirt, YOU TOO can be a "Biscuit Bitch"! SOLD!

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